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Saturday, June 26, 2010

We're posting less because we're doing more... Not the other way around.

Hello Shaulie blog. It's been a while.
How are you? Is everything alright? They treating you okay around here?


I've been... busy. It's hard to come by this way and see you now-a-days. I try and just check my electronic mails and get off this thing. Maybe occasionally I look around at Facebook, but you're better baby. You're my blog. Don't ever forget that. Facebook don't mean a thing to me. I'm only keepin' her around to stay connected with family and such.

In all honesty, I've been working a lot at my job. Long stretches too, like, 8 or 9 or 10 days in a row with no day off...
Working a lot on the yard, and on the house.
Working on writing new songs, and new pieces of creative writing [I've got this this one idea: Stand-up comedy bit told by a hardcore Christian... I don't want to give anything away yet, but let's just say right off the bat that this guy hates gay people. And by hate, I mean hate...]
I've also been working a bit on my beer gut, and this game called Super Mario Galaxy 2. The game isn't even mine, Fred brought it over and just left it for me to get sucked into. Thanks Fred for making me abandon my blog for Mario-Awesomeness (for real, thanks).

Julie has been just as busy with nearly all of the same things. Except, when you go back through the aforementioned list replace writing songs and creative writing with Frontierville and researching/changing her diet to help acid reflux.

Aside from that it's just about the exact same.

Another big slice of our time pie has been devoted to our new neighbors. They moved in about a month ago and they are both totally rad. It's another couple, named Jeremy and Jennifer and we get along just swimmingly. Anytime we're outside and the neighbors are also outside it ends with us all on one porch talking for hours. Then we'll play games on the Wii, or break out a board game, or just start drinking and telling stories, and before you know it, it's 1:40am and you have to be up in 6 hours to go to work...

Anyway, those are the reasons I haven't been around much, Shaulie Blog.

Tonight is the Big Black Cloud show! First one in a while. Couple years? I'm very excited.

Check out B.B.C. here for free streaming and free download. While your at it, check out the other stuff "God Sags His Pants" has to offer. I'm in love with almost all of it but I'm bias because I've known Josh for a while and like him very much...

But if you're interested in coming, it's tonight at the Shack.
And tomorrow they are playing Cass Collective.

I'll bring my camera back out of hiding soon and maybe post some pixx of the happenings, the neighbors, our yard we work so hard on, etc.

Thanks for understanding my situation blog. You're my favorite thing on the internet.

(not really)

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